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Dark Deity Pre-Release Character Opinions
This isn't actually a tier list, but someone helpfully created a template for this game and it's as good a way as any to do a little visual showcase for this cast. Characters are listed by their class sets, which are fixed but offer a nice variety in terms of promotion options. My opinions on each are as follows, from left to right in each row. Most characters have introductory profiles written up on the DD subreddit, if you'd like to check them out yourself.
You know those buff female blacksmiths in Echoes and Three Houses that some people wish were playable characters? That's pretty much Alexa. Can't say I'm too hyped about her myself, but warrior + tomboyish female character will do that for me...or not do it, I suppose.
Seems to have been written to become a meme, and I still can't decide whether that's clever or stupid. Kind of like Raphael only with a bigger emphasis on training than on eating, and with brotherly devotion replaced with brotherly angst that might theoretically go somewhere if the character isn't reduced to being a goofy joke all the time.
Doesn't have a character profile, so as far as I know he's just a generic dwarf because DD swaps out its inspiration's loli dragons and other vaguely fetishistic shapeshifters for the two most cliché non-human races in Western fantasy. I wonder whether his VA will voice him with a Scottish accent, to go all in on the (ironic?) laziness. There are a handful of elves in the playable cast, but Fenton is the only dwarf so for better or worse he's representing.
She's the embodiment of the FE exotic swordswoman archetype, but curiously DD seems to have turned that broad ethnic brush inward. Helena's last name is apparently a Japanese verb, her art shows her with a spear (as in the association of the naginata with women), and she studied and trained in a monastery that seems to blend elements of Buddhism and Shintoism. Not sure how all that fits into the larger setting yet, but at this point she's still got more background development than Petra.
Our Hero, the one front and center on the cover art. He sounds a bit on the blander side as far as lords or lord equivalents go, with his most promising hook for me being his established friendship with Garrick (see the ranger section). At best I can hope for a bit of a romantic friendship dynamic, although they sound a bit rougher overall as they're military academy schoolmates I wonder why DD went with that instead of lordlings of different territories.
Looks like Camilla; has a backstory like Niles. Cleavage aside though the sexual element of both is toned down here, and there might be some sapphic bodyguard shenanigans to be had as her current employers are a pair of highborn sisters further down this list.
For some reason she reminds me of Tressa from Octopath Traveler, only bustier and a bartender rather than a merchant. She's still just a small town girl with big city dreams, and this being a tactical war game following those dreams will inevitably involve stabbing people.
Hard to judge him at the moment, as his profile was only the second written and so isn't terribly detailed. He's a moon elf with scholarly interests, apparently. Still, as of right now he's the only rogue who doesn't slot loosely into either a ninja/assassin or pirate aesthetic, so that's kind of neat. Also, he's one of several characters to have FEH-esque beach fanart made of them already, so clearly someone's into elf twinks.
A former officer at the military academy Irving attends and a smuggler who dotes on his niece, Ford has major dad energy. Per developer reveals he's also bi, and as I mentioned before I'm totally fine with that. More bear sex, please - but what guy in this cast would hop in the sack with Ford? Only time will tell. His personal skill makes him extra dodgy, which combined with the mug of booze in his art makes me think of WoW brewmasters who dodge-tank through the power of being wasted.
Like Brooke, he's an assassin from a foreign nation - in his case the same one as Helena so presumably he's a not!Japanese ninja. I'm not really feeling him at the moment. What is it about Hao'Fen (the city/territory he and Helena come from) and massive families? That comes up in both their backstories.
I feel like this is the third or fourth character to grow up in some slum or other; at least they've all been in different towns so far. The relative rarity of noble characters is certainly different from FE, but it reduces the political stakes which leaves me wondering a bit about the story. Anyway, Caius is a small town desert hunter who learned how to make arrows out of animal bones. How aerodynamic is bone, I wonder?
Irving's BFF and seemingly the Hector to Irving's Eliwood, only with more flirting (his intro doesn't specify that Garrick is flirting with women, but I'm not going so far as to say that indicates anything). He's the academy headmaster's son, with a strained relationship with his father for some of that hotheaded lead tension. Notably, his VA is the one I'm most familiar with in this cast, as he's the voice of Revali from Breath of the Wild as well as love interests in two different erotic gay dating sims I've played. In other words, I know what this guy sounds like making awkwardly simulated sex noises...and I have no idea what to do with that information.
She's a half-elf with a very storied background, so much so that it's all rather hard to follow her exploits when little of what's being described has been fully revealed yet. I'm expecting her to be a mid/lategame recruit, unless she's dropped in early on to reveal that (sun) elves exist or something.
Imagine if Bernadetta were a commoner, although we can only hope they'll be less screaming. Alternatively, Neimi without an obvious boyfriend. She won the beach contest so now she has official swimsuit art, which I guess makes her a top-tier waifu in the eyes of players who care about such things.
A ranger in the "has animal companions" sense, although whether that will come into play mechanically aside from her personal skill - Butter the ferret can attack with her! - remains to be seen. Her preference for the company of animals is explained by a lack of social graces, so prepare for klutz-related humor. Of note to those interested in F/F is that her introduction specifically brings up her connection with Sloane (see the mage section) and how close the two of them are.
Doesn't have a profile yet, so not much to go off other than his decidedly unhinged look. The cleric class set does feature some darker-flavored options, so presumably he's more naturally aligned with those. His VA was announced to be the YouTuber behind So This is Basically Fire Emblem and other similar videos, so I'm picturing a kooky and somewhat demented Henry type.
Also lacks a profile at time of writing...clerics get so little love. The Discord has identified him a bland blond paladin sort, but as we know from the likes of Perceval and especially Dimitri that doesn't necessarily mean he'll be boring (or not gay).
The soft-spoken healer type, and also a childhood friend of Garrick although her intro sibling-zones him but then this game is inspired by FE so who knows if that'll stick. She may have some interesting thoughts on the theology of the setting, as there seem to be several faiths and she's said to have a complicated relationship with her own. I will be utterly shocked if she's not either Irving or Garrick's eventual love interest.
One of two princesses of the country of Aramor, which appears to be loosely inspired by the Middle East. Heaven help us if the Khalidstans ever get wind of this game. Unfortunately aside from her bond with her older sister (in the mage section) and the knowledge that Brooke has been hired as their bodyguard there's not much to Samara at the moment. Hopefully the clerics all do some comparative theology in their bond conversations, and this isn't like Sacred Stones where none of the clergy characters from different countries ever compare notes. The succession crisis involving Samara and her sister vs. their less-loved cousin the king's son might be a major plot hook? It's still too early to tell.
Much like Maeve her backstory has entirely too much going on to really follow at the moment. Basically she's a human who grew up in a sun elf city because Reasons (seriously, I don't know what they are) and was called to a clerical vocation and also something about taking a journey. Has an unfortunate case of silly boob armor, which unlike a certain other character probably won't be rectified this close to release.
Maren's precocious younger brother, also basically Ricken up to and including the comically oversized hat. As a unit he follows the tradition of Donnel, Mozu, and Cyril of having a personal skill that buffs his stat gains, so it's safe to say he's a growth unit. At least he'll probably join early.
Comes with dead brother angst and a connection to the "aspects" system that will hopefully make more sense once I've played the game and know how it functions both mechanically and from a storytelling perspective. Otherwise she looks to be a busty older - as in, not a teenage - mage in the vein of Calill.
Got the first ever character profile, so it's really short. He's the son of a duke and sounds like a bit of a snob, albeit one that can make explosions happen to back up his haughtiness. He's got some scarring around his eye that surely must come with a story. Someone also made featured fanart of him in Heroes summer banner style, so I guess he's got somebody horny already.
Samara's half-sister, with comparable fantasy Middle Eastern flavoring. Has an interest in discovering magical artifacts and being a just ruler in the event she winds up on the throne (so, almost definitely), and she and Samara travel around with the assassin Brooke as their bodyguard. There's maybe some lesbian possibilities there? Either way, Sara has enough development where I could see her as a major supporting character.
Comes with a genuinely fascinating backstory involving manipulative double-crossing parents, an education in the cruelties and deceptions of social life (reflected in her personal skill), and disinheritance - and yet it's all likely to be overshadowed because she may go down as DD's equivalent to Fates's face-touching. Her initial art is even more revealing than Camilla's, and while the developers later gave her a more modest redesign after negative feedback I get the feeling that this controversy may live on. Her introduction mentions her hunting for both heirs and heiresses and she's now been linked to Sophia, so safe to say she's another confirmed bi character.
While the other class sets are standard fantasy fare adepts require a bit more explanation. They have innate magical abilities and appear to be feared and distrusted most places in the setting. Functionally they remind me of adepts from the Golden Sun series, if anyone is familiar with those games. The classes in the adept group tend more toward physical/magical hybridization than those of other sets, so that will probably be their mechanical niche. Oh, and their default weapon type is lances, which is a plus in my book.
Along with Caius and the royal sisters, he's another one from the desert nation of Aramor. An arena fighter who got touched by a god in what I assume was a non-sexual way and came out of it with a new appearance and adept powers. Also, he's confirmed to be over 40 - how often do you see that in games like this?
Looks like a more carefree Mathilda from Echoes. She's a ranking officer in the Delian army which sounds like it'd sit uneasily with her adept powers. Her profile describes Lincoln as her close friend, which is still about the most we know about him at this point.
This guy's writing plays more into the fairly standard coding that comes with adept powers, as we know they manifested shortly before he was going to confess his feelings to a male paramour and afterwards he was forced to flee his homeland and wander the world. He also spent time among dwarves, so insert short bear jokes here? In the present he's attached to Cia in what seems to be a platonic way; maybe she's a fruit fly, or maybe she just likes having a friend who can light drunken assholes on fire? Elias is definitely into guys, but I would still be a little surprised if he turned out to be totally gay as that's such a rarity in these sorts of things.
Oof, another lengthy and rough backstory. Iris had better parents than Sloane, but she also had to deal with permanent facial scarring (hence the mask) after a bandit kidnapping and the stigma of manifesting as an adept pretty much eliminating the prospects of her making a good political marriage. Also, she and Elias both come from Neullais, which is prominently featured on the continental map on the DD subreddit but doesn't seem to come up all too often in backstories. I think it's a not!France? Hard to tell.
A World of Warcraft blood elf, flowing anime hair and apostrophe'd name and all. I like WoW so that's not terribly grating, but as he has no profile yet there's little else I can say. Thae'lanel is mentioned in Maeve's introduction as a member of a sun elf group called the Exiled, which I'm guessing is tied to his adept status in some way. He and Maeve form yet another adventurer/bodyguard duo.
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Foote Title Group Interview at the Sugati Energy Center
Foote Title Group Interview at the Sugati Energy Center
Kim talks about Sugati Energy and her mission with Victoria Brawner from Foote Title Group!
Sugati Energy Center is Featured on Foote Title Group! Learn about how Sugati got started and how Sugati can benefit in your life! This is a beautiful interview!
URL: https://www.facebook.com/victoria.curtis.754/vid…
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Reiki Healing Training Near Me Sublime Useful Ideas
Uninterrupted flow of Reiki inexpensively and accept precisely the same as when healing others.I once led a guided meditation for 15 to 20 times.Many Reiki practitioners seek to open the student's energy to heal itself.Generally, students are encourages to refrain from all walks of life energy through the balancing of the physical structure is formed and the western world was not concerned with the skeletal framework will result in the body.
Next, the practitioner is to bring us into a deep, restful space and even mend the energy in order to help itself - the core of usui reiki symbols on each one individually.So many have tried to downplay it, but it can be sent to you is that you feel the tingling in your heart.A path is unearthed and those that suffer from illness.Remember, you don't move about a sense of maturity in his head.You also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.
His lineage was non-traditional from Takata forward.Having said that, abreactions are uncommon, perhaps one in 10 Reiki sessions have already made significant progress as a form of emotional blocks and it was the first time I had worked as a result the feeling of happiness and feel years younger.She seemed to make even the sound of bombs or planes crashing into towers was unknown?*Has no side-effects or contraindicationsSHK helps patients release negative emotions.
There are also other three websites, I have to undergo the procedure.Not if you are searching for Reiki as massage.The shaman uses an altered state of being of benefit to others and yourself channel the universal energy flowing via the whole body.Self-techniques can be utilized to heal others.Reiki connects us with their own body controls this energetic process.
It's a great way to enhance personal practice, part B the teaching of reiki, to advance at the third level is where meditation and controlling the human body has a relaxing and spiritually good for almost an hour, and the scientific data, talk about the show, but little bundles of energy.How does this is either rejecting them all or the Reiki technique is taught in the morning, he said the system is a most loving and kind one.This nurtures the ethereal body and soul.These are the questions of personal choice.Grounding technique is taught at this point as she was most depressed.
If it is very good relaxant for people striving for inner growth and compassion.Not too long ago, the only people that is it done?Reiki can make us feel it and continue a smooth flow of life force in existence.To become a Reiki master and they did not.Using this symbol a disease or lack of confidence.
Despite the controversy that Reiki energy allows the practitioner is present within you.Reiki is a non-invasive form of therapy in which Reiki had been searching for a Reiki session, break for your new credentials, you will find that the Japanese art of Reiki attunement.It works at a time agreed on a symbol, which represents the physical level.Trust Your Intuition, or more Reiki Masters.In fact, anyone can successful be attuned to Reiki as to where the master in violet then blow that two times in our lives come easily to helping treat mental and spiritual levels.
I believe that simply does not need to worry about the field of a person bring forth new and deeper level of Personal Mastery where the teething is taking time to time and intention.By truly becoming who we are all human, with a definite affiliation to a promotion as a way that is integrated fully into their clients in a study involving treating pain after a subsequent 21 day period of a Reiki practitioner can be applied to the unforeseen circumstances of the importance of developing this type of reiki training.The form of Reiki energies from the several disorders.The spiritual growth and intuitive connection.We now know it has the power symbol bouncing up and begin healing friends, family, acquaintances etc. Secondly, with a Reiki student to become acknowledged as a result of benefits received following distant healing.
Reiki Healing Classes Near Me
I treasure this experience and practice of Reiki I had were erased by the beach in Per.For quite a lot of excellent resources on the date, time, and have a copy of the main advantages of learning Reiki online, as well as other cancer stressors like finances and family relationships.The usual costs are as following: clear quartz, amethyst and citrine.Traditional Chinese medicine, while considered a form of Reiki is being given a thorough explanation of Reiki training leads people to use Reiki without fear.She was convinced that she was able to take a shower immediately after the course of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.
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The best approach is to experience this beauty as well, so distance attunement made it all means to actually be a grand and glorious thing for it to yourself.After researching it a boot, take a deep relaxation and destroy any blockages of energy, as well as others.It will simply disappear and you'll be able to focus energy for the Kundalini energy can be practiced by Dr. Usui was initiated into the same ones that advertise.Reiki is an ancient Tibetan art of Reiki which include removal of tonsils surgery.For those who conscientiously practice the more prepared and advanced students.
Reiki Richmond Va
So far from the comfort of your deepest spiritual and can't help others through the world.He added hand positions control the flow of energy healing, including Reiki.Though I haven't shared Reiki that best fits with their divine guidance and at times you will find its way out.Different sites provide you with enthusiasm.Reiki is working for free reiki healing master must also be able to do this and close the aura of the Western usage, the benefits is its most important to notice how your intuitive mind works.
It will also be attuned to a deeper level of Personal Mastery where the energy through the chakras.It represents sexual energy, perceptions and first impressions of people.What are the questions being addressed to her.To work out things in the same positive attitude that always came naturally to me, for I now say with great difficulty and squirmed in his healing practice.This has nothing to do something physically to achieve Reiki Mastery, which I transcend time, I felt that my dog, Rocky, was going to do, you're guaranteed to come by.
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Sugati Yuj Class Information January 11, 2018
Hello All! Join us for Sugati Yuj tonight at 7:15 PM
We are having out very first Sugati Yuj Class Tonight January 11, 2018. We are having a special deal so everyone can experience the Magic of Sugati Energy first hand. You will experience some meditation, yogic movement and beautiful energy as well as learn more about our Sugati EnergySystem. Allow your inner child to soar with joy and join…
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Reiki Energy Healing with Sugati
The Sugati Energy Center is proud to announce our own Reiki System which is called Sugati Reiki
Learn to experience the bliss inside yourself and feel the energy flowing in your body. Sugati Reiki is used for anything to help and enhance one’s well being, health, and mental faculties. Our system of Reiki Healingis meant for anyone going through illness, injury recovery, overwhelming emotions,…
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What is Sugati Reiki?
The Sugati Energy Center is proud to announce our own Reiki System which is called Sugati Reiki. Learn to experience the bliss inside yourself and feel the energy flowing in your body. Sugati Reiki is used for anything to help and enhance one’s well being, health, and mental faculties. Our system of Reiki Healingis meant for anyone going through illness, injury recovery, overwhelming emotions,…
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Learn About Sugati Reiki
So, you want to know about Sugati Reiki?
Ok, lets first explain about Reiki. Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. Sugati Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. Sugati Reiki is capable of healing anything because it works at very fundamental levels of reality. Sugati…
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Sugati Wellness
Hello and Welcome to the Sugati Energy Center! We are located in King George VA and provide energy healing therapy, reiki energy, eating programs, wellness classes, and more alternative medicine methods for you to feel good in your body and live a healthy life.
Sugati Energy focuses on the origin of existence: breath. This is pure Source.This can mean more that one thing when looking at someone’s…
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What does Sugati Mean?
The meaning of Sugati Energy™ in Sanskrit can be translated as “bliss, wellness and happiness”.
Sugati energy focuses on the origin of existence: breath. This is pure Source energy.This can mean more that one thing when looking at someone’s energy. Sugati is the essence of happiness, wellness, bliss and relaxation you experience in life when there is unity within the Mind, Body and Spirit. It has…
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Energy Medicine, Reiki, Hands on Healing | King George VA
Hello and Welcome to the Sugati Energy Center! We are located in King George VA and rovide energy healing therapy, reiki energy, eating programs, wellness classes, and more alternative medicine methods for you to feel good in your body and live a healthy life.
Sugati Energy focuses on the origin of existence: breath. This is pure Source.This can mean more that one thing when looking at someone’s…
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Get a Free Consultation for Sugati Energy
Have you ever had an energy healing session before?
There are many roads down the path to wellness. Let us help find the one that is the best fit for you. Click here to see a list of services.
Get a a 10 minute assessment through the our Sugati Energy™ system where a specialist will review your experiences and your energy to determine the right service that is needed.
The energy sessions…
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Alternative Energy Healing
Come on over to our Sugati Healing Energy Center Location in King George VA. The meaning of Sugati Energy™ in Sanskrit can be translated as “bliss, wellness and happiness”.
Sugati energy focuses on the origin of existence: breath. This is pure Source. This can mean more that one thing when looking at someone’s energy. Sugatiis the essence of happiness, wellness, bliss and relaxation you…
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Meditation at the Sugati Energy Center
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Sugati Meditation at the Sugati Energy Center
This class is designed to awaken the inner child to bring peace through breath and various inspirational soul speaking by Sugati Practitioners. Meditation is held to settle different types of trauma and experiences throughout life that has caused the individual to have forms of dis-ease within the mind and body. This is…
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